Yes. This is a registered professional body namely – Knowledge Management Practitioners Society of Kenya, also known as KMPSK.
The Society was founded in 2018 and within the same year initiated the process of legal registration. The registration process has since been completed in the year 2021.
The Society was registered under the Societies Act (Cap.108) Section 10 by the Registrar of Societies – General State Law Office. An Institution in the government of Kenya and by law mandated to undertake the registration process.
KMPSK was registered by a group of like-minded professional Knowledge Management Practitioners in Kenya who notably realised the gap in the Industry and set off to establish the Society to champion Knowledge Management practice in Kenya.
Registration: Kshs 2000 (one time fee) Individual members: Kshs. 5,000/= Corporate members: Kshs. 10,000/=

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